We prepared 300 food packs today

We have been busy all day long. Since 7:30am people were getting in line to get some food packs today.

Dear family, friends,

Greetings from Kyiv on day 38 day of the war. During the day I caught myself with the strange thought - something is missing. And one of the good brothers reminded me that silence around is the strange thing, because of 37 days of rockets fire around us. Yes, we get used to sound of cannons and can pay little attention to this sound in while.

We have been busy all day long. Since 7:30am people were getting in line to get some food packs today. We prepare more than 300 of them; sunflower oil, flour, bread, milk, canned fish, rice, oatmeal, cookies, and some extras. We also supplied all food with daily bread – the New Testament. We have pack for a family of two for a week to live. Just in three hours all packs were given out! Nothing left. Glory to God 300 families will be blessed and have their daily bread. But mostly Jesus will be known in our neighbourhood.

The time for the war also important time to bless kids. We have our church family taking care of them and teaching them to play guitar and sing praise songs all together.
Thank you for all your prayers and help. With Jesus’ name we will reach needy people around us, will serve them and show them our Lord. We see the victory in Him.

With love from Ukraine,


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